Confinement 2 : You Smile You Lose

You Smile You Lose using Javascript AI

Confinement 2 : You Smile You Lose

Today, we’re going to laugh. These are difficult times, and the consequences of this virus are just a detail in the ocean of shit where I’m drowning. Instead of crying, I had the idea of a small project to forget my problems.


I made a web app that will monitor your smile via an artificial intelligence using the webcam. I show you funny videos, if you smile you lose! It’s very funny, it feels good, it’s open source and it only uses web technologies!

Use 5 minutes of your time to have a laugh.

If it’s done, you must have laughed at least one or two videos, you must have.
Otherwise either you’re too strong or you have no soul.

You want to add a funny video? Did you see a bug? Is a feature missing? The project is open-source and I invite you to participate. I have the approval of merge request very easy!

If you want to know why and how I built this app, you’ll find exactly that in the rest of the article!

The idea

As I was telling you, the period is quite moldy. As a result, like anyone who’s a little depressed, I’m nonchalantly walking around on YouTube. I was looking for funny content to help me change my mind.

And that’s when I came across (once again) those famous You Laugh You Lose videos. The principle is simple : you put people in front of funny videos, if they laugh they lost.

And then I said to myself: “why not do the same thing but for the general public and in the browser?”.

I have everything I need. The videos would come from YouTube so no need to host them, manage streaming or manage a player. It would be a static site to simplify the hosting of the app. And most importantly, I already know how to detect a smile on a face.

I gave myself 2 days to code everything, host the project, make the article you’re reading in two languages and put the code in open-source on my GitHub. OK GO.

Smile detection

So, believe it or not, that was by far the easiest and fastest part. For several reasons.

  • First reason : nowadays, expression detection via artificial intelligence models on the web is very easy. Anyone can do it and/or set it up.
  • Second reason : I already did it in a previous project!

Remember ? When I did my previous bullshit with gifs.

So, if you want to know how this part works in particular, I invite you to read the dedicated article.

In a few words, I use the face-api library which manages the whole complex part for me. With the webcam I load the models when I launch the app. I just need to use the high level face-api API after that. I check twice a second if the user is smiling or not.

 * Load models from faceapi
 * @async
async function loadModels() {
    await faceapi.nets.tinyFaceDetector.loadFromUri("")
    await faceapi.nets.faceExpressionNet.loadFromUri("")

 * Setup the webcam stream for the user.
 * On success, the stream of the webcam is set to the source of the HTML5 tag.
 * On error, the error is logged and the process continue.
function setupWebcam() {
        .getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false })
        .then(stream => {
            webcam.srcObject = stream
            if (isFirstRound) startFirstRound()
        .catch(() => {
            document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "camera not found"
            isUsingCamera = false
            if (isFirstRound) startFirstRound()

 * Determine if the user is smiling or not by getting the most likely current expression 
 * using the facepi detection object. Build a array to iterate on each possibility and 
 * pick the most likely.
 * @param {Object} expressions object of expressions
 * @return {Boolean}
function isSmiling(expressions) {
    // filtering false positive
    const maxValue = Math.max(
        ...Object.values(expressions).filter(value => value <= 1)

    const expressionsKeys = Object.keys(expressions)
    const mostLikely = expressionsKeys.filter(
        expression => expressions[expression] === maxValue

    if (mostLikely[0] && mostLikely[0] == 'happy')
        return true

    return false

 * Set an refresh interval where the faceapi will scan the face of the subject
 * and return an object of the most likely expressions.
 * Use this detection data to pick an expression and spread background gifs on divs.
 * @async
async function refreshState() {
    setInterval(async() => {
        const detections = await faceapi
            .detectAllFaces(webcam, new faceapi.TinyFaceDetectorOptions())

        if (detections && detections[0] && detections[0].expressions) {
            isUsingCamera = true

            if (isSmiling(detections[0].expressions)) {
                currentSmileStatus = true
                document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "YOU SMILE !"
            } else {
                document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "not smiling"
    }, 400)

You’ll find all the source code of the project in the GitHub!

Video management

As said before, no way I manage the hosting or streaming of the videos. I want the cost of hosting and using this project to be around 0. The fact that it’s a static site will help a lot here. Thanks S3 + Cloudflare 🙂

So I figured I’d use the YouTube player, YouTube videos and the YouTube API. Thanks YouTube. The problem is that I want to stay on my own site. So I have to use the embed version of the YouTube player.

No worries, YouTube offers a dedicated API for the embed player!

I’ve never used the YouTube API before and I must say it was very easy to understand and use.

 * Setup the youtube player using the official API
function setupYoutubePlayer() {
    player = new YT.Player('player', {
        height: '100%',
        width: '100%',
        videoId: 'ewjkzE6X3BM',
        playerVars: {
            'controls': 0,
            'rel': 0,
            'showinfo': 0,
            'modestbranding': 1,
            'iv_load_policy': 3,
            'disablekb': 1
        events: { 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange }

 * We want to show the intermissions when a video is over.
 * Listening to the event onPlayerStateChange of the youtube api.
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
    // 0 means the video is over
    if ( === 0) {

 * Entrypoint. This should be use once.
function startFirstRound() {
    isFirstRound = false
    currentSmileStatus = false

    document.getElementById("loading").style.display = 'none'
    document.getElementById('intermission').className = 'fadeOut'


 * Showing the next video to the user.
 * This should be only trigger but the click on next video.
function showNextVideo(event) {

    document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block'
    document.getElementById('result').style.display = 'none'

    if (listOfVideoIds.length) {
        const nextVideoId = extractRandomAvailableVideoId()
        player.loadVideoById({ videoId: nextVideoId })

        setTimeout(() => {
            currentSmileStatus = false
            document.getElementById('intermission').className = 'fadeOut'
        }, 1000)
    } else {

Finally, I manage the videos in a simple array of string (YouTube video id) declared at the very beginning of the application. Each time the user clicks to see another video I randomly pick one up. The id is then removed from the array and inserted as the source of the embedded YouTube player. Easy!


I did it very quickly.
As a result, a lot of things are missing in this app.
Do you want to help?

A lot of stuff need to be add here :

  • score management
  • management of other embedded players (dailymotion, vimeo, twitch)
  • a skip button to cheat and go to the next video
  • a less strict management of smile detection (several smiles before counting a real smile)
  • detect that the user is no longer in the field of view of the camera (very easy to do)
  • hide the display of YouTube cards at the end of some videos

If you’re interested in something in this list and you’re not afraid of Javascript: you’ll find the GitHub here! Again, I have the approval of MR easy so don’t hesitate.


End of the challenge. I had a good laugh, it felt good. I hope it will be the same for you. It’s the most I can do to help you in this endless day. In the meantime, I’ll see you next Monday!

Written by

I'm a dev. Right now i'm Backend Developer / DevOps in Montreal. Dev is one of my passions and I write as I speak. I talk to you daily on my Twitter. You can insult me at this e-mail or do it directly in the comments below. There's even a newsletter !

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